За курса
Умения, които ще придобиеш
Базови умения за работа с HTML и CSS
Боравене със стандартната функционалност на програмния език
Работа с линейни структури от данни
Разбиране на взаимовръзката между различни IT концепции
Анализ на проблеми и редуциране до компютърно-изпълними стъпки
- 1. Resources
- 2. Welcome to Software University
- 3. Language Comparison
- 4. Course Introduction
- 5. Basic Syntax, Conditional Statements and Loops
- 6. Exercise: Basic Syntax, Conditional Statements and Loops
- 7. Git and GitHub
- 8. Data Types and Variables
- 9. Exercise: Data Types and Variables
- 10. HTTP Basics
- 11. Arrays
- 12. Exercise: Arrays
- 13. HTML & CSS Basics
- 14. Methods
- 15. Exercise: Methods
- 16. Software Development Concepts - Part 1
- 17. List
- 18. Exercise: List
- 19. Exam Preparation
- 20. Exam Preparation
- 21. Regular Mid Practical Exam
- 22. Objects and Classes
- 23. Exercise: Objects and Classes
- 24. Software Development Concepts - Part 2
- 25. Associative Arrays
- 26. Exercise: Associative Arrays
- 27. Bitwise Operations
- 28. Text Processing
- 29. Exercise: Text Processing
- 30. Problem Solving
- 31. Regular Expressions
- 32. Exercise: Regular Expressions
- 33. Database Basics
- 34. Exam Preparation
- 35. Exam Preparation
- 36. QA Introduction
- 37. Basic Web Project
- 38. Regular Final Exam
- 39. Retake Mid Practical Exam
- 40. Retake Final Exam